What to do if you hate your university course

There is no question that a large number of people out there are going to feel that their career choice in the university wasn’t exactly what they had hoped for.

There are going to be some situations when you might not like a course or two, but if you are starting to feel like you are not interested in any of your subjects at all, you might want to reconsider a new choice of career before you go further into your studies.

In this article, we are going to be talking about some of the things you can do if you feel that you are not enjoying your university course.

Did you rush into it?

Unfortunately, a large number of students go into college without having a clue about what they really want to study and they rush into picking a career.

The good news is that you can make a decision to head in a completely different direction with your schooling and it should be you that makes that decision.

Your parents should not decide for you

If there is one huge mistake that a large number of people make in life, it has to be to please their parents when it comes to the decisions they make in life.

You should study something that is going to make you feel happy and fulfilled. Remember that a life of financial certainty is not a good life if you have to work doing something you don’t even find considerably interesting.

Give yourself time to adapt

If you don’t feel very passionate about your course when you get started, this is perfectly fine and you might want to give it time before you make a decision. A good way to do this is to give it a semester and see how you feel about what you are learning. This is going to allow you to have enough time to make a decision that won’t be rushed by initial impressions.

A degree is important in the corporate world

If you are planning to climb the corporate ladder, your best bet is to have a degree when you apply for college. The truth is that companies are not hiring people based on their studies, but instead, they hire them based on their levels of creativity and natural skills.

The need for a degree when applying for a job is still relevant because this is a way for the companies to know if you had what it takes to get through your college years and have the discipline to finish your studies. This is not to say that some company owners really see no importance in your degree and they focus on your achievements after your schooling ended.

Easier said than done

There are people who get mad when someone tells them that you need to do something that makes you feel passionate in order to find success and happiness, but the truth is that this is the common denominator with most people who find success.

You have to work hard in order to achieve your goals, but the best way to make sure that you will keep moving forward even when things get really though is to make sure that you like what you do. Always remember that nothing truly worth your time is going to be achieved easily.

Take a sabbatical

There are many students who decide to take some vacations before they get started with their studies. You could decide to take a year of studies and work and this is going to give you a chance to discover yourself and what you feel passionate about.

You should travel, meet new people, try new hobbies and all of these actions will allow you to discover what it is that you really want to do with your life.


There is no need to feel pressured to continue to study something that you don’t find appealing at all. It’s always good to know that you have other options and this is going to allow you to stop feeling so anxious about considering other studies.
Never forget that the main ingredient for a successful career is to feel a good level of interest and passion for your job.